Your Local Dealer:

Clean Water Ohio Inc.

139 W Columbus Ave Bellefontaine, OH 43311

Call Now: 1-419-420-5939

Before & After Photos

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Waterford, VA Electric Water Heater Replacement

Mrs. L. woke up one morning to find water around her water heater.  Upon inspection we found that the tank had started to leak and was not repairable.
After discussing the issue we replaced her water heater with a new 50 gallon electric installed in an emergency pan.  

Waterford, VA- WaterCare Care Soft Elite Install

Mr. K. called us just before he closed on his new construction home. He wanted to make sure before they moved in they addressed any water quality issues. 


Brad went out and tested their water and found a few issues that need to be corrected. We ended up installing an Air Cat CareSoft Elite and an ATS UV light. 

Warrenton, VA Water Treatment for Chlorine

Before- Customer was reporting lots of chlorine in her water, at the time she had no treatment system and a small space to work with.  

After- We installed a WaterCare Chlorine removal System that would fit well in the limited space. 

Warrenton, VA Marathon Water Heater Installed

The customer had an outdated Tank-style heater that was not producing enough hot water.  We installed a new energy-efficient Rheem Marathon Water Heater.

Warrenton, VA - WaterCare Softener Install

Mr. Y called our office because he was having issues with his gas water heater. Once we were on site Brad found their older water heater was leaking from the bottom and also noticed the outdated softener. He recommended replacement since it was no longer working as it should. 

We replaced the water heater with a new Bradford White Natural Gas Water heater and installed a new 1054 WaterCare, CareSoft Elite softener.